Dean C. Logan
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk

Department Headquarters
12400 Imperial Highway
Norwalk, California 90650

Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder County Clerk
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Schedule E
Payments and Contributions Made (Other Than Loans)
Maria Ramirez for District Attorney 2024
Statement Period
from 07/01/2023
to 12/31/2023

Schedule E Summary
1. Payments made this period of $100 or more : $194,724.03
2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $100 : $18.00
3. Total interest paid this period on loans: $0.00
4. Total payments made this period : $194,742.03

Schedule E Detail (78 Records) [Page: >> ]
Name and Address of Payee Code
Description of Payment Amount Paid
DMH Meyer, Inc. LIT    $732.13
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $45.50
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $27.38
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $23.50
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $79.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $7.25
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $23.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $28.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $44.13
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $19.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $46.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $68.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $11.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $28.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $45.50
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $71.09
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $49.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $30.98
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  PROcessing fee  $6.63
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $25.36
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $68.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $0.73
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $0.73
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $0.73
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $23.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $2.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $54.25
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $6.63
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $19.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $6.63
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.73
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $5.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $11.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $12.48
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $23.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $11.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $22.25
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $11.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  PROcessing fee  $148.25
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $28.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $69.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $68.50
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $115.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $23.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $206.19
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $182.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $38.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $163.78
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $68.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $57.25
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $77.50
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $23.00
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $9.50
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $11.75
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $57.25
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $14.23
eFundraising Connections OFC  Processing fee  $4.78
Eleven Public Affairs, Inc. CNS    $10,000.00
Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder (RRCC) FIL  Ballot Statement  $139,700.00
Mitchell Publishing & Mailers PRT    $93.08
Mitchell Publishing & Mailers PRT    $344.93
MPI Atelier & Publishing LIT    $421.58
NetFile PRO  Admin Fee  $1,000.00
WPA Intelligence POL    $29,563.00
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. PRO    $1,500.00
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. PRO    $1,500.00
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. PRO    $1,500.00
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. PRO    $1,500.00
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. PRO    $1,500.00
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. PRO    $1,500.00
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. POS    $7.60
Yolanda Miranda & Assoc. Inc. PRO    $1,500.00
[Page: >> ]
SUBTOTAL $194,724.03