Dean C. Logan
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk

Department Headquarters
12400 Imperial Highway
Norwalk, California 90650

Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder County Clerk
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Schedule E
Payments and Contributions Made (Other Than Loans)
Ridley-Thomas for Supervisor 2012
Statement Period
from 07/01/2015
to 12/31/2015

Schedule E Summary
1. Payments made this period of $100 or more : $13,926.69
2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $100 : $32.87
3. Total interest paid this period on loans: $0.00
4. Total payments made this period : $13,959.56

Schedule E Detail (17 Records) [Page: 1   2   All ]
Name and Address of Payee Code
Description of Payment Amount Paid
African American Cultural Center CVC    $1,000.00
American Baptist Home Mission Societies CVC    $2,500.00
American Express - Business Green Card (see desc) See Schedule G for payees reaching disclosure threshold.  $5,115.12
California Floral Co. (see desc) 10/21/15 P. Attebery - Recovery  $84.96
California Floral Co. (see desc) 10/21/15 O. Jakwak - Funeral  $96.96
Congressional Church of Christian Fellowship CVC    $1,000.00
Ida E. Yarbrough CPA PRO    $1,990.00
Robin West/Catering (see desc) 11/18/15 Supervisor and 24 staff member re. project status  $752.59
Shef Catering LLC (see desc) 11/20/15 Supervisor and 36 staff members re. project status  $848.29
Ms. Cindy Wan Ms. (see desc) 9/11/14 Reimbursement for cost of 9 Staff Member meeting re. project status  $128.64
[Page: 1   2   All ]
SUBTOTAL $13,516.56