Dean C. Logan
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk

Department Headquarters
12400 Imperial Highway
Norwalk, California 90650

TRACCER - For Candidates/Officeholders


The LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s TRACCER (Track Registrar-Recorder’s Automated Campaign Contributions Electronic Reports) allows candidates and elected officials to use the Internet to file their campaign disclosure statements online directly with the RR/CC. In addition, TRACCER permits the public to view and search these statements on the RR/CC’s website.

If you would like a login or are experiencing difficulty logging in, please e-mail our TRACCER Administrator at or call 562-462-3000. We will be happy to assist you.

 Login ID : 
 Password : 

Forget Login ID or Password?   

WARNING! This is an official LA County Registrar-Recorder computer database program. It is unlawful to tamper with this data or use this data in any way other than intended by the County of Los Angeles.